Bangang-Fokam, Cameroon

“He who opens a school door, closes a prison.”

— Victor Hugo


The Ngwabou Institute aims to provide children in Bangang-Fokam, situated in Western Cameroon, and its surrounding villages with a fresh start for children to become part of the community, avoiding exclusion and discrimination. The gift of education and nourishment enables children, most of which have been displaced by the ongoing war in the neighboring North-West region of Cameroon, to combat extreme poverty, marginalization, and vulnerability. Bangang-Fokam is a remote area that lacks funding from standard Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), making it an overlooked area and often disregarded. Locals usually have to walk 6-7 miles in order to attend school, but our presence in Bangang-Fokam has lifted this burden for students, teachers, and members of the community. Our institute has built a primary school that opened in 2021, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has connected locals and acted as a haven for education, nourishment, and security. Through continued support, the Ngwabou Institute can build more classrooms, provide clean water, and help hundreds of disenfranchised children with access to a quality education.

Materials for Learning & Support for our Communities

The Ngwabou Institute provides students with the necessary tools to ensure a quality learning experience. Donations to our Cameroon project will help achieve the following:  

  • School Expansion (Additional Classrooms & Libraries)  

  • Classroom Equipment (Wooden Desks, Chairs, Chalk Boards, Benches, Bookshelves)  

  • Classroom Materials (Textbooks, Journals, Notebooks, Pens, Pencils, Chalk, Erasers, etc.) 

  • Uniforms for Students 

  • Staff Member Salaries (Teachers & School Administrators)  

  • Nourishment (Bread, Beans, Rice, and Soy Meal) 

  • Access to Clean Water      

Our foundation has already assisted over 150 students’ lives and we strive to expand on this, with the goal of aiding the entire community of approximately 7,000 people.